Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The internet, The WEb and electronic commerce

The JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language used to enable programmatic access to objects within both the client application and other applications.

An applet is any type of small application that performs one specific task. It can be a Java application, an application program that uses the client's web browser to provide a user interface

A filter is a computer program to process a data stream.
  • find "keyword" < inputfilename > outputfilename
  • sort "keyword" < inputfilename > outputfilename
  • find /v "keyword" < inputfilename | sort > outputfilename
It can filter out unwanted things like spams or virus.

A computer program module or device that interacts with another to add a specific function, or to support a specific file format or device; Designed to be plugged into an electrical power outlet or circuit

Internet Security Suite
computer security software that helps out with protecting the computer from viruses, spyware, and having a firewall protection.
FTP(file transfer protocol)
(File Transfer Protocol) is a procedure of transferring files from our local computer to the web server. There are many free ftp software programs available on the Internet and they can update website pages at any given time.
FTP is an old and the protocol itself has no security,

An website that allows easy creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages from a web browser using a simplified markup language.

Uniform Resource Locator is a subset of the Uniform Resource Identifier. It refers to a resource on the Internet, specifying a protocol, a computer, a file on that computer, and parameters.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Careers in IT

Webmasters :

Definition and Nature of the Work
What is a webmasters?
A webmaster is a person who is in charge of maintaining a Web Sites for companies and individuals on the world Wide Web. This is a job that requires a person to have a wide range of skills and abilities, since many webmasters must do much more than simply write computer codes or update links to other Web sites.

Computer support specialist :

Definition and Nature of the Work
What are Computer Support Specialist?
Computer support specialists are people that help people with computer problems. Some of the computer support specialists are called help-desk technicians field phone calls or e- mails or make house calls for people who are having difficulty with a particular piece of computer hardware or software.

Technical writer

Definition and Nature of the Work
Technical Writers? What do they do?
Technical writers explain in simple language scientific and technical ideas that are difficult for the normal readers to understand. Some pf them write articles and reports on current trends in fields such as science and engineering. Technical writers also work for book, magazine, or newspaper publishers, or they may be employed in other industries.

Software engineer

Definition and Nature of the Work
Computer software engineers are people that develop and maintain computer software programs, which are coded instructions that tell the computer what to do in logical steps(Binary Codes). They work in manufacturing, industry, engineering, government offices, and educational institutions. Sometimes they upgrade the computer that are being used.

Network administrator
Definition and Nature of the Work
Network administrator or to say in a simpler form, Network Admins.
They are people who oversees computer networks to ensure that they function smoothly. They may be responsible for customizing the network to an individual company's needs by connecting the necessary hardware and software to the network. Once the network is configured, the administrator adds computer programs, such as e-mail, that the company's employees use on a daily basis.


System analyst
Definition and Nature of the Work
Computer systems analysts analyze business or scientific tasks and plan and develop the hardware systems and software that allow a computer to complete these tasks. They are also sometimes called as systems analysts, may also work on improving computer systems already in use. 

Definition and Nature of the Work
Computer programmers are people who writes the step-by-step instructions that direct computers to process information by key-ing in binary codes and are made into programs. These instructions, or programs can be used to tell the computer what to do in a series of logical steps.

Lastly for laughs
Jobless and Homeless person
Definition and Nature of the Work
People who does not have any jobs and has lost their place to stay due to their failure in life.